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Looking to a More Sustainable Future


With COP27 having recently ended in Egypt, the topic of climate change is once again top of the agenda for governments across the world. Reaching agreement on how to push forward with meaningful climate action seems to be more challenging than anticipated and given that we know the last 8 years have been the hottest on record, the past 26 COP events have had little impact. We await the outcome with more hope than optimism...

At Laurent Miquel we are constantly reviewing our sustainable practices in the vineyard and in the winery. Our philosophy is to take the best of tradition and learned expertise, while always pushing for innovation in thinking and approach. Laurent is hugely interested in Japanese culture and attributes his winemaking philosophy to the spirit of Kaizen - aspiring to do a little better, every day.

This spirit of Kaizen had led to numerous sustainable initiatives over the years; for example, installation of polar clad insulation on our tanks; reducing our average bottle weight by 33%; a lighter touch with pump-overs and water capture and re-use. As we learn more, we have also been making steady progress in our sustainable practices in the vineyard and winery. We are HVE level 3 certified (protecting biodiversity, soil and plant health) and already pro-active on water and energy conservation.

For 2023 we are aiming to go even further and are embarking on a full review of our sustainable practices in the vineyard, with a view to implementing regenerative agriculture. It promises to be an exciting year of discovery, learning and progress! We look forward to building a more sustainable future for wine and our future generations of wine makers.


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